We love Kate Upton’s body-positive outlook on the so-called “bridal diet”

Every bride wants to look her best on her wedding day. But can we all agree that has nothing (zero! zilch!) to do with the numbers on a scale? Model Kate Upton agrees, telling People that the bridal diet isn’t for her.
Kate got engaged to Justin Verlander last May. Justin plays baseball for the Detroit Tigers. But up until now, Kate has been taking the wedding planning slowly. The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit cover model revealed that she only just started looking at dresses after seeing the Pronovias bridal fashion show in Barcelona. Now, she’s ready to kick the wedding plans into gear.
But don’t expect Kate Upton to adopt some crazy diet regimen before her wedding.
Kate told People, "I never get on a scale because you can’t judge yourself for how much you weigh. What really matters is how good I feel.
Thank you, Kate, for totally reflecting what we’ve all been thinking. We don’t want to think about weddings as times for diets. We want to think of them as fun celebrations. And seriously, who can possibly plan a wedding while trying to do some crazy diet? As Kate said, it’s most important that you feel good.
So instead of a weight goal, Kate focuses on her energy and strength.
With the help of a trainer, Ben Bruno, Kate works to keep her body functioning optimally. Kate has noticed how much strength training has improved her body.
Kate said, "I’ve noticed my body changing in the fact that I have more energy, I feel stronger, I’m able to recover faster, whether it’s from jetlag or from a hard workout."
And of course, even doing crazy workouts, it’s important to keep your relationship strong.
Kate pushed 500(!) pounds, while texting with Justin. That’s some seriously strong multitasking!
We are so happy for these two, and we wish them all the best on their wedding plans.
While Kate hasn’t picked out a dress yet, she revealed that she wants something, “classic, with a sexy twist.” Sounds perfect for her! We know no matter what Kate picks, she’ll look amazing. And she won’t need a scale of any kind to tell her that!