We cannot wait to get our hands on these super cute Too Faced ornaments
Many of us remember stringing up garlands of festive popcorn and cranberries onto the Christmas tree only to later sneakily pull them down for a midnight snack. We are feeling those same sentiments of sneaky excitement about the new holiday ornaments from Too Faced cosmetics, which cleverly double-up as makeup AND Christmas decorations. The new ornaments — that can be quickly swiped from the tree to update your daring lip shades — include a mascara, lip-plumper, and long-wear lipstick. You can truly keep your face as fresh and festive as the fake evergreen in your living room because that’s what Christmas is all about.
At first glance, they just look like regular ornaments, which is part of the sleuth-beauty appeal.
You can buy the Better Than Sex Mascara ornament from Too Faced online for only $12!
Just look at that wintry goodness.
There is also the Melted Liquified Long Wear Lipstick ornament from Too Faced for $12.
That deep raspberry shade is on point!
Last but not least is the Lip Injection Lip Plumper Ornament from Too Faced for $12
You can keep those lips plump, so they’re all the better for eating Christmas cookies.