Watching Emma Stone on a pogo stick is almost mesmerizing

Once again, we want to applaud Vanity Fair for showcasing the talents of so many young women. And yes, this one is definitely classified as a talent. The magazine just released a video of Emma Stone on a pogo stick, and we truly wish we had her sense of balance.
The video is one of many in a series. Called “Secret Talent Theatre,” the magazine wanted to reveal the hidden skills of their 2017 Hollywood Issue cover girls. Stone appears alongside other powerful women like Amy Adams, Natalie Portman, Janelle Monáe, and Aja Naomi King in what might already be the most anticipated magazine this year.
Since Stone is making headlines for her incredible film La La Land, it’s almost refreshing that one of her true loves is just a simple toy that was invented back in 1919. Watch and learn how to pogo like a star.
There are many reasons as to why we love this.
First, the fact that Stone admits that she hasn’t “pogo-stuck” since she was 11. Second, her creating the word “pogo-stuck.” Third, the sheer incredible factor of watching her pogo in a suit. Really, she’s quite the go-getter.
"I can only go in circles," Stone said. "I'm not sure how to not go in a circle, so if you need any more information, you're going to have to ask someone who's pogo-sticked all their lives."
We dig her honesty on the matter.
As far as teaching goes, Stone definitely made sure to highlight the basics. The first? You need to buy a pogo stick. Then, you need to step onto the pogo stick. And then — and this is the tricky part — you have to hoist yourself up while keeping balance.
If anyone can get people to embrace pogo sticks again, it’s Emma Stone. If you want to read more about her, the Vanity Fair 2017 Hollywood Issue is set to arrive on newsstands nationally on February 7th.