Watch this video if you’ve always wondered why we kiss under the mistletoe

Kissing under the mistletoe is more than just a Christmas tradition — it’s part of our pop culture experience during the holidays. You can’t watch a holiday movie, TV show, or listen to a holiday soundtrack without there being some reference to this holiday tradition.

But have you ever wondered exactly where this tradition of kissing under the mistletoe came from?

Thankfully, this new video explores why we have this odd holiday tradition of kissing underneath the festive plant.

According to botanist Carlos Reif in a TED-ed Talk video, there’s a whole history behind the mythology and plant biology of the “kissing plant.”

In the video, Reif explains:

"With its resilience and foliage that stays lush even while the surrounding trees lose their leaves, mistletoe fascinated our ancestors. They saw this as signs of the plant’s magical qualities and fertility."

Check out the video yourself – you could always learn something new from this time-old tradition and have a fun fact or two to tell your loved one the next time you’re puckering up underneath the misletoe.

H/T Huffington Post

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