Want a free iPhone 7? Just change your name to “iPhone 7”

Apple fans can be, shall we say, devoted to their favorite tech brand, but at least one Ukrainian man has beaten everyone else out in his Apple fandom. Or maybe, he just wanted a reason to change his legal name to iPhone 7.

You read that right: In exchange for one free iPhone 7, the man formerly known as Olexander Turin changed his name to iPhone Cim, with “cim” being the Ukrainian word for seven.


The whole thing started when an electronics store in Ukraine offered the first five people to change their names to iPhone 7 a free phone. The man formerly known as Turin jumped at the chance, and honestly? The math works out. A new iPhone 7 costs about $850, adjusted out of Ukrainian currency, whereas the cost to change your name only comes out to about $2.

Of course, “Cim” is already thinking about changing his name back, but surprisingly the answer isn’t “immediately.” Perhaps he is trying to #rebrand himself, off the heels of this very much publicity stunt, or maybe he isn’t in that many situations where he has to say his first name. After all, “Cim” isn’t the strangest last name outside of context, and honestly, number names are kind of in right now.