“The Walking Dead” has released Season 7 character posters, and they make us very very worried

Hey, remember how Season 6 of The Walking Dead ended with ~someone~ meeting the other side of Negan’s bat, Lucille? And how since then, we’ve been low-key freaking out, and trying to figure out the identity of his first victim?? Well, ahead of Season 7 (and San Diego Comic Con), AMC has gone ahead and released some quite shocking character posters for all our favorites on the show. So who comes face to face with Lucille?
Right now, it looks like everyone. Gulp.
The 10 brand new posters show that EVERYONE is looking at Lucille, and they all looked, well, pretty pissed. Not so much upset/worried/terrified, but just straight up MAD. Hey, we’re mad too, since this epic confrontation means that someone is going to be leaving the show at the beginning of this season — and you know the drill, if it’s Daryl, we riot.
These aren’t exactly the kind of posters you want to hang up on your wall, but maybe. It all depends on who makes it out alive and unscratched from the Season 7 premiere. No date for it yet, but according to AMC, it’ll land on our TV sets sometime in October. Start prepping your mind, body, and soul for whatever goes down in those opening minutes of the show. Someone screams. And you’ll probably be screaming, too.