Viral vids that will crack up everyone at your Turkey Day dinner table
Actual face time. Real finger pokes. Tons of verbal, gracious likes. A table full of delicious food items that there are unfortunately no emojis for (come on, where’s that wobbly cylinder of cranberry sauce when you need it!). Yup, it’s Thanksgiving. Everyone will be bringing something to the table and since it’s really hard baking with gluten free flour, why not be prepared with your non-edible clickable treats to keep everyone satiated with a healthy serving of pop culture. While we love the tech-free nature of a family get together, there is something to be said about sharing a laugh with your second cousins over your fave online vid.
Here are a table setting of hilariously table-worthy videos everyone should pass around once the mashed potatoes kick it. There are laughs here for everyone (no “yikes will I blush in front of grandma?” moments here).
Inside Amy Schumer – “Mom Computer Therapy“
For that moment when Mom tries to take a group photo and ends up accidentally deleting all her contacts. This is the perfect video to pass around right in time for that generational technology intervention. Amy Schumer nails it like always.
Key & Peele – “East/West College Bowl“
It’s inevitable that someone will want the game on (fine! no sound!) during dinner. Key and Peele created the perfect pre-football video for fans and non-fans alike. I have yet to find one person who doesn’t genuinely giggle during some part of this sketch. An oldie but a goodie and a must see for all families with a sense of humor, you’ll be calling people ridiculous names for the rest of the evening. Plus, there’s a second helping already cued up!
Saturday Night Live – “Back Home Ballers“
The ladies of late night return for the Thanksgiving welcome home anthem. Luckily, this one’s a lot less awkward than accidentally watching their previous video (you know, the one about sharing your twin bed with your bf when you’re home for the holidays) with your Dad who already hates the idea of you sharing your childhood bed with anyone. I dare you to get away without counting the bowls your mom has left out for your homecoming.
Rob Cantor – “Perfect“
Here we have a real dad pleaser. Rob Cantor performs (with a little help from his friends) a sweet, light-hearted song with enough celebrity impressions to last the rest of the year. Grandma and grandpa won’t know who half of the references are, but they’ll dig the jam. For family members who fall in love with Rob Cantor, direct them to his absurd follow up musical sensation about Shia LaBeouf which had the Internet (and Shia LaBeouf) tickled.
Another pet video that will really win over the vegan Tofurkey connoisseur your third cousin brought to the table . . . or anyone else who loves yoga or pets or the intersection of the two. Chances are high that as you watch, your pets will take the opportunity to jump on a few unattended plates, so make sure to film your own Pets Interrupting Thanksgiving video for some instant Internet fame.
Sure, someone said something stupid. Just like every Thanksgiving, or family holiday, or general Thursday with your Uncle Don. These Wheel of Fortune Fails are just plain funny. It’s just as simple as that. “Self Potato. Sorry.” is a personal highlight.
There’s a 100% chance this is how you attempted to get through the kitchen to see Aunt Gertrude in the living room — stopping at every snack station along the way. Admire the similarities between yourself, your family members, and your own K9 by passing this adorable puppy fail around. You can’t blame him, he had the right idea.
The third installation of the “If Google was a Guy” series is just as funny, if not more so, than the previous two which you can find here and here. While the wise elders at the table pretend to have all the answers, cue up some hilarity and find out just who at the table has actually asked Google if baby powder was made out of babies.
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