This teen’s quinceanera invite went viral and now over 1 million people want to come

Today in “the internet takes things way too far with hilarious results,” a teen’s quinceanera invite went super viral and now 1 million people have RSVP’d! Sounds crazy? Yes, definitely. Sounds like the best party ever? Yes, also true! Let’s just hope they’ve got enough food and a big enough dance floor!

The craziness all started when teen Rubí Ibarra García shot a video with her parents to invite people to her quinceanera.

Their mistake? They invited “everyone.”

 Now, common sense would dictate that the Garcías probably meant “everyone” in their small town in Mexican state San Lui Potosi. However, the internet runs on hyperbole, so soon, thousands of people were sharing her video, and hitting “going” on her Facebook event page. Before she knew it, she had 1 million guests “attending.”

People started joking about it on social media, but in a fun, “let’s party!” way.



Then stuff got even more out of hand, if you can believe it!

There were celebrity parodies of the original invitation video. Companies offered to get involved in the celebration. Mexican airline Interjet even offered up a 30% discount to San Lui Potosi because of the party!

Finally, state congressman Robert Segovia offered Red Cross and state civil defense support to her small town, and made the following statement:

"We are offering this help, because it was something impressive, how this phenomenon grew on social media, and it has caused quite a stir in our district. We are contacting the family and the police forces and emergency agencies to provide security in the area."

Okay, how many of us can say our 15th birthday party was so crazy that the government had to get involved?

Eventually, Rubí’s mom went on local TV to state the obvious: Sadly, not “everyone” is invited to the party.

(We are a little bummed out about that, tbh.)

So happy birthday to Rubí Ibarra García, the most popular teenager in the entire world! You can check out the adorable video invite below. We are seriously loving Rubí’s awesome leopard dress and tiara! And if you find yourself in San Lui Potosi, her party is on the 26th! (Just kidding, leave this sweet family alone!)