Please watch this video of Jennifer Lawrence reacting to Chris Pratt speaking German because her face is perfect

Although we are super excited to see Passengers, we have to admit that the best part of Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt on their press tour is keeping up with their antics. Between the Instagram pictures and hilarious interviews, Jennifer Lawrence reacting to Chris Pratt speaking German  makes us question when the two will be cast in their own comedy together. Seeing them play brother and sister in a Christmas comedy is what we want next holiday season!

During a recent interview with Berlin entertainment website Bild, J. Law was visibly shocked when the interviewer engaged in a conversation with Chris Pratt in German. You can watch the interview start at the 1 minute mark.

Lol, we love her face. Jen’s like wuuuuutttt.


Now we are not sure if you’re surprised that Chris Pratt can speak German, but if you watched his 2015 Oscars interview, than you would have already known that. Pratt learned how to speak German in school where he studied it for 3 years and we have to say his skills are not that bad!

Throughout their press tour for Passengers, the two have shared many funny ancedotes of their time both on and off set. During a Reddit AMA, Chris talked about his time with Lawrence on set.

"We were sitting in our chairs waiting for the next shot and a big set light bulb exploded nearby and she screamed. High pitched. […]Then she immediately looked over at me and said, ‘Jesus Chris! You scream like a woman! Did everyone just hear Chris?'"

Although Passengers is anything but a comedy, we are so excited to see these two on the big screen!