This video of a kitten being rescued from inside of a Tesla bumper will make your heart burst

There are many things you wouldn’t expect to find inside the bumper of your Tesla, but a tiny adorable kitten probably tops the list.

An unidentified Tesla owner posted videos to YouTube of his Model X, from which you can hear the faint cries of a kitten from inside the parked car.

"We don't have a cat," the car owner says in the first video. "Poor cat. I’m going to call the service center today, see if they can help out on this, the man said to concerned video viewers.

The man updated the story to show the Model X at a Tesla service center, where a mechanic is seen carefully removing the tiny kitten from the back end of the vehicle.

Tesla founder Elon Musk even tweeted out the video.

According to the Tesla owner, the poor cat spent at least 14 hours trapped inside the car.

In a third video, the owner explained that the cat, who now (adorably) bears the name Tessie, proved to be healthy despite her long stint in a car bumper, and found a forever home with one of her rescuers.

“She had a pretty good outcome, I’d say, he said. “Her weekend obviously had a rough start but she probably had the best end of the weekend ever.

We’re glad Tessie is okay and grateful to the people who saved her!