This satirical video by a breast pump company imagines what the world would be like if men breastfed
Leather sofas. Steaks. Mercedes and Apple brand products. The understanding and support of your coworkers.
This is the glamorous, fun, consumer-driven world of male breastfeeding, according to the start-up Naya Health and their new video “If Men Breastfed.”
Naya Health was founded by Janica Alvarez, a mother of three. Alvarez struggled with breastfeeding when she returned to work full-time — and that’s why she has created an alternate reality to illuminate the discrimination that breastfeeding mothers face.
“#IfMenBreastfed would we still be dealing with the outdated breast pumps, closets that double as lactation rooms, and a work culture that treats pumping as an inconvenience? the caption asks.
Not so much, according to the video. If men breastfed, breastfeeding would be AWESOME.
Janica and her husband, a medical device engineer, started the company to create and sell the Naya Smart Breast Pump, — a better, more user-friendly product for working moms.
As funny as the video is, the challenges new moms face upon returning to the work force are no joke.
According to the Department of Labor, 62% of women with births in the last 12 months are in the labor force. That’s A LOT of women. So it’s a little ridiculous that breast feeding as still seen as inconvenient and kind of gross.
“It’s time for all of us to step up and make the world a better place for the working mom, Alvarez told the Huffington Post, “Far too often women find themselves deciding between their family and their career. The two must co-exist for today’s mother.
Amen, Janica. In the meantime, won’t you join me in the Lactation Lounge? There’s steak.