Victoria’s Secret just debuted a three-million-dollar emerald bra, because, BLING

Most of us have seen a sparkly bra in our time, if not worn one. And while bling is fun and everything, usually it’s not a ridiculously huge deal. But Victoria’s Secret just upped the game BIG TIME by debuting a three million dollar (!!!!) emerald bra!
No, you did not misread that. The sparkle in this bra might even be more jaw-dropping than the glitter dresses that rocked the 2016 Oscars red carpet or the sparkly sneakers that Kaley Cuoco wore with that animal print dress!
So, here’s the deal: Jasmine Tookes was the lucky lady chosen to model the (appropriately named) Fantasy Bra, aaaaaaaand we’re living vicariously through her right now.
Here’s the moment when she realized she was the chosen one.
Huge congrats!
And now watch how she rocks this bra like a #PRO.
"Here she is…@jastookes in the 2016 Bright Night Fantasy Bra: $3 million worth of emeralds, diamonds & more, designed by @eddieborgo & hand-crafted by @awmouzannar. Look for her on the runway December 5! 💎 #VSFantasyBra #VSFashionShow."
We know it’s not usually appropriate to stare at someone’s boobs, but in this situation it’s acceptable, right?! Damn, this girl is getting ultra-princess treatment with that serious bling. And it’s just another day in the office for her!
And that’s how this casual Wednesday became all about an amazing bra.
H/T: Perez Hilton