Victoria’s Secret will feature a record number of Asian models in this year’s fashion show

Every year, we get to turn on our televisions, gather with our favorite ladies, and collectively gasp as we see real-life angels strutting down the runway. The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show is when the top models parade down the catwalk, wings in tow and lingerie on full view. And while we love the fashion show, and how it inspires our own style, there’s something that tends to be lacking: diversity. That’s why it’s such a big deal that the 2017 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show includes seven Asian models, the most the show has ever cast — period.
Taking into account that this year’s show will take place in Shanghai, China — the company’s first-ever show in Asia — this news makes sense. While the lineup of models for the November 29th show isn’t set in stone, having seven Asian woman hit the catwalk is a step forward.
Yes, we’re excited for this more diverse, inclusive lineup, but we can’t help but ask…What took so long? And with over 50 models in the show, this number still doesn’t seem quite right.
Regardless, we’re glad that Victoria’s Secret is taking baby steps and reaching for true diversity.
We hope that the brand continues to make a point to represent other women of color and minorities in their lineup. Overall, we’re happy to see Victoria’s Secret moving toward inclusivity, and we can’t wait to watch the show to see the full lineup of women — in all they’re beautiful shapes, colors, and sizes.