Say goodbye to Venus Retrograde—and hello to a happier love life
If you feel like you’ve been on a love roller coaster for the past month or so, take heed: you’re about to slow down and find steady ground again. That’s because Venus, which has been in retrograde since October 6th, is going direct November 16th. For the last six weeks, the planet of love was traveling backward through two different signs, Scorpio and Libra, and what a journey it’s been. First, we dealt with old insecurities and jealousies, and even exes from the past; then we started to question what we desire in a partner, which led to some deep inner work and meaningful discussions with our partners and therapists. So now what?
Since retrogrades are all about going within, and Venus rules relationships, we’ve been reevaluating our deal-breakers, assessing our relationship patterning, and examining how we give and receive love. As a result, we’ve probably done a lot of soul-searching and had some in-depth conversations with loved ones that might have stirred the pot a few times. Mountains were made from mole hills, and there were many, many power struggles. In short, we might feel spent emotionally from all the pushing and pulling during Venus Retrograde, but now there is so much richness, knowledge, self-love, and, yes, growth that we can mine from that crazy time.
This is what Venus Direct is all about. If there were any conflicts with a loved one, now you both will feel more at ease discussing hot-button topics without flying off the handle or becoming defensive. If there was a misunderstanding between you and your partner or a close friend, chances are now they will be willing to forgive and forget. On the other hand, if you had a falling out with a friend, you might’ve questioned your decision to part ways during Venus Retrograde. But now you might be able to see that the separation really is for the best.
While Venus was retrograde in Libra, you might’ve lost touch with your social graces and manners, but now you’ll find that everyone is more polite and in harmony with each other. (Yes, someone might even give up their seat for you on the subway.) And if there was a new outfit or haircut that you wanted to try, the stars are giving you the green light to go ahead and try it. Your sense of style will be more on point now.
And, let’s not forget the sexy and mysterious ways of Scorpio. If there were any hangups in the boudoir while Venus was in retrograde, now is the time to voice them, and experiment until you and your partner both feel satisfied. Same goes for telling your truth to your partner and opening yourself up to a new level of vulnerability. In both cases, remember: practice makes perfect.
As our love life, including our emotional life, finds a place of calm and peace, this is the perfect time to ask ourselves some big questions: How can we implement the lessons and insights we’ve learned from the last six weeks into our relationships moving forward? Are you ready to close the door on old relationships or old ways of being that no longer serve you? Is there any residual mess that needs to be cleaned up in order for you to become a stronger, more confident, and more vulnerable version of yourself? Basically, what can you do to attract and receive the love you deserve?
Because you deserve the very best, bbs. Here’s to healthier and more evolved, loving relationships in 2019.