Venus Is Entering Virgo—Here’s What This Means for Your Zodiac Sign
Patience will prove to be a virtue.

Venus enters Virgo on July 21st and will be in the earthy sign until August 16th. During this time, you’ll try to better your situation with yourself and others to create productive relationships. Patience will prove to be a virtue when it comes to confidence, spending and saving money, romance, and friendships.
Below is your Venus in Virgo horoscope. Make sure to read your rising sign, too.
You may not be sentimental or charming with your words, but you’re reliable and dependable. The latter will prove to be more important than flowery declarations of love to those you care about, as they’ll need you more than ever (particularly as a shoulder to cry upon).
Your creativity is blossoming, which is helping you welcome inventive ideas and elevate your artistry. With the help of your friends and colleagues, you’ll be able to make an amazing artistic endeavor that uses your talent to express your sentiments to the world at large. Lean into your gifts.
It’s time to decorate your home with the finer things in life that embrace your unique, cool, and hip airy style. Don’t hesitate in picking out beautiful new objects that will add beauty to your dwelling, as long as you stay within budget instead of overspending money from your savings.
You’re realizing that the way you express your sentiments is easier than ever, as emotions are free-flowing out of your mouth right now. From your heart to your lips, you’ll share your feelings with those you care about and will not feel like you’re not being heard by others.
You know how to indulge in your five senses. Therefore, it’s important to plan on using them to see and understand the world. Have a nice meal, wrap yourself up in soft sheets, smell the roses (literally), listen to sweet tunes, and watch the sunset with a glass of wine.
You’re feeling more popular and likable than ever, which is making you want to hang out more with your friends and boo. Open yourself up to new possibilities and fun. You never know what experiences and activities that you share with others, which may bring you happiness and contentment presently.
Take a break from mundane activities and rest your lovely bones. Rather than running around all day doing errands and making sure everything on your to-do list is done, give yourself a break and chill. That way you won’t feel overwhelmed over the next few weeks. Take it easy.
Friends are a source of comfort at the moment, which will serve as a good way for you to feel more confident about yourself. This will allow you to have a few moments of inspiration and trust as you navigate through daily troubles and good vibes that are coming your way.
Asking for a raise from your boss may yield a financial boost for you. Don’t be shy in asking for more money. TBH, you may be disappointed by the amount you receive, but it will set the wheels in motion for a better and more lucrative financial advancement.
Although you never take a vacation from work, now is the time to start thinking of your next adventure. Plan a fun getaway with friends or family that will allow you to take a step back from your professional desires. It will be good for you to unwind with others.
The need to understand matters from an intuitive perspective will urge you to seek guidance from the heart. Once you’re able to do so, you will find that you can trust completely and give your all to your partner without thinking twice about it. Listen to your gut feeling now.
You’re wanting peace and tenderness in your relationships, which is why you are now opting to discuss your feelings in a direct manner that doesn’t create drama. The need for chillness is strong, making you want to work on problems without the drama. Pleasant exchanges are desired instead of arguments.