Venus Is Entering Capricorn—Here’s What This Means for Your Zodiac Sign
Jealous feelings will arise.

Venus, planet of love and money, will be in Capricorn from January 8th to February 1st. During this time, you will want to work hard for romance and upward mobility (status, finances, and popularity). This sentiment will be felt on January 28th, when Venus and Pluto connect. Jealousies will be felt, as well as the need to control relationships and finances. Use that energy as a chance to grow and change rather than as a form of dominance.
Below is your Venus in Capricorn horoscope. Make sure to read your rising sign, too.
The moment has come for you to discuss your professional future with your boss. Before you ask them for their feedback, tell them all of the reasons why you are an amazing worker and deserve a promotion (or a title change). Odds are, they will appreciate your candor and assertiveness.
Try to keep your heart and mind open over the next few weeks. This will help you accept all of the ups, downs, and sideways turns that are coming to your financial life and love life. It will also inspire you to have a different and higher-minded perspective about matters.
A raise is in the works from work, which will make you very happy. The caveat is that it may not be as much as you had expected or hoped for. Discuss this matter in a kind manner with your boss. Being nice will help you get a more lucrative raise soon.
Before you send your S.O. packing, think about whether or not you want to end the relationship. Truth be told, you want to keep them around, but you need some space to think matters through. Don’t say goodbye until you’re ready to. It’s not over until you say it is.
There has been a little drama brewing between you and your colleagues, but you can overcome the obstacles you face by sending them positive feedback on their work and giving them praise nonstop. This tactic will help you to avoid major issues with them over the next few weeks.
Your creative mind is bursting with energy—so much so that you are having a hard time writing all of your thoughts down. Make a voice memo on your phone whenever inspiration strikes to make sure you are able to bring your artistry and talents to life during this time.
Your home could use a little sprucing up. Before you commit to painting the walls a different color, try minor decor additions first. A faux sheepskin rug with a few colorful, lush velvet pillows will change the vibe and energy of your house without the fuss of redoing everything.
Romance has felt like a roller coaster ride lately. Now, you are trying to flirt your way out of the drama that unfolded weeks ago. Pro tip: Take a cue from Jane Austen. Writing old-fashioned love letters will help you win back your crush and get their attention.
It’s never a bad time to review your personal finances, especially since you are trying to make a big purchase for yourself soon. Before you take out your credit or debit card, make sure you can afford the items that you are buying. Be realistic about your money situation.
When the drama gets going, you’re in the mood to skip out on it. TBH, you don’t want to even stir the pot. What’s important is maintaining your relationships and taking a diplomatic stance when you’re hit with confrontation from others.
Expressing your true feelings is hard, especially right now. You may have a secret crush to whom you’re not sure of confessing your love, or you’re contemplating letting your S.O. know how you truly feel. Sending an email is an easier way to be less confrontational.
Real talk: You’ve been feeling slightly jealous of your crew, which may result in minor quips coming out from you now and again. Try to maintain the peace within your friendships by focusing on their good attributes to avoid getting envious when friends brag.