10 Valentine’s Day ‘In the Real World’ Memes to Share Right Now

Valentine's Day isn't always all hearts and flowers. It's time to get real.

Sometimes love is temporary. But, internet memes? Well, those last forever. While Hallmark would have you believe that Valentine’s Day is all hearts and roses, sometimes, you just gotta keep it real.

We’re talking about all the singles who are stuck in online dating hell, the married folks who are far beyond the ‘honeymoon stage,’ and the generally cynical who just don’t want to spend the ‘most romantic day of the year’ living in some kind of fantasy world.

RELATED: Why is Valentine’s Day So Triggering?

With that in mind, bring on the memes! Here are ten Valentine’s Day memes that’ll keep you down here on Planet Earth.

1. What marriage is really like

Forget fancy restaurants and expensive gifts — this is what Valentine’s Day is really like post-Newlywed phase.

2. Main squeeze



This one hits really close to home. Proof that your S.O. still loves you and is attracted to you, even with a little extra junk-in-the-trunk.

3. Sad but true?

While the day of love may give some people hope, for others, it’s a sad reminder of reality.

4. Enough already!

Luckily they already started putting out the Cadbury Eggs on Feb. 13.

5. Dating sucks.

Well, you didn’t have to put it quite so bluntly.

6. For the sports fan in your life


He won the big game and now he’s out to win your heart, too.

7. Single and… not ready to mingle

Keep your germs to yourself — today, and every other day of the year!

8. The perfect mate

I mean, pizza really is the perfect food tho.

9. When those mysterious weather balloons overshadow the holiday

Are they another country spying… or from a different dimension altogether? Guess we may never know.

10. When you still can’t stop thinking about football

Leave it to the NFL to hilariously be the butt of their own jokes. The season may be over, but the laughs continue.

Jené Luciani Sena
Jené Luciani Sena is an accredited journalist and internationally-renowned bestselling author, regularly seen on national TV outlets such as Access Daily, Today and Dr Oz. Touted as one of Woman’s World Magazine’s “Ultimate Experts,” she’s a TEDTalk speaker and a busy Mom of 4. Read more
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