“UnREAL” stars share a hilarious interview in a crowded elevator

We thought it was impossible to love UnReal and its stars more, but thanks to this fun little clip from the webseries Between Two Floors, we’re even more smitten. false
Shawn Hollenbach from the Lifetime network, has set up camp in an elevator and is conducting a real life interview with Shiri Appleby and Constance Zimmer, while the elevator comes and goes, often with other folks from the network. Jeffrey B. Chapman even makes a brief cameo. It’s hectic and high energy, kind of like the stars and the show itself.
Hollenbach asks the stars questions, often silly and impossible to answer correctly, all the while people are trickling in and out of the elevator car. The co-stars are fun interviewees, but they are also really good hostesses, wishing the other occupants a good day, and to “have fun.”
As new folks get on and get off, Zimmer and Appleby try to guess what the person does there in the building, ask each other who their fave celebrity is (Beyonce, obviously), and fill us in on their feelings about unicorns. There is also a mostly unsuccessful game of Heads Up, in which Appleby is sure that Zimmer won’t be able to guess the word, “Kohls.” The UnReal co-stars are terrible at this game, but that’s totally what makes it so fun.
They aren’t terrible at making us laugh, however, and give some hints, albeit vague, about how season two is shaping up. Appleby tells us they only have a few weeks of shooting left, and “episodes keep getting crazier.” The three have an impromptu dance party, and leave us loving them, and the show even more than we did before we say this crazy interview. We kind of want to take a few random elevator rides now, just in case they’re waiting inside!