These unicorn pastries might be the answer to our Unicorn Frappuccino cravings

For those of you mourning the end of the Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino, this Texas bakery may have found a way for you to fill the void.
El Bolillo Bakery in Houston, Texas just debuted unicorn pan dulce. Yup, you heard right — magical multicolored sweet bread. The shop is calling them “uniconchas” and “unicuernos” and they can barely bake enough to keep up with the demand. In one week, El Bolillo used more than 500 pounds of flour for the treats and a video they posted on Facebook racked up 250,000 views within just a few hours.
The bakery is also sharing photos of the unicorn baking process on their Instagram page. THESE. LOOK.AMAZING.
In addition to pan dulce, El Bolillo is also making these adorable unicorn tres leches cakes.
Store manager Brian Alvarado told the Houston Chronicle that the pastries have been a major hit, and an exciting way to diversify their offerings. People are placing orders for up to 60 pan dulces at a time.
"Customers were calling, 'When are they ready?' They started coming in and lining up, he said. "This is one of the biggest projects that we've ever done, and we've just had as much fun as possible."
Lucky for Texans, Alvarado said that if the breads continue to be popular, they may make it a mainstay. The success of the pan dulce shows that the craze is definitely bigger that the Starbucks frappuccino, offered for just a limited time.
“Our inspiration came from the fun, spirited and colorful unicorn-themed food and drinks that have been trending on social media, a Starbucks spokesperson told Mashable.
The drinks not only drove social media traffic, but also bolstered Starbucks sales, according to CNBC.
So it’s off to Houston for us: we’ll take a unicorn pan dulce with a side of unicorn tres leche cake, please.