This unexpected beverage is supposed to work wonders for your skin

We’ve all had those days where we wake up, look in the mirror, and feel betrayed by our skin. Maybe there’s a small mountain growing on your forehead. Maybe you’re looking as dry as the Sahara. Or, maybe your skin has simply decided that today’s the day you’re going to look like you just came back from the underworld. However, a highly unusual beverage could potentially fix all that.

As you peruse your grocery store’s beverage aisle, you’ve probably seen things like soy milk, almond milk, cashew milk, goat milk, and so many more fancy milks. But, have you ever seen camel milk?

“Back home [in Saudi Arabia], people know that camel’s milk is very healthy and medicinal,” Walid Abdul-Wahab – founder and CEO of camel milk distributor Desert Farms – told Marie Claire“Nomads have even spoken highly of the nutritional values of camel’s milk as they would move throughout the desert surviving off the milk and dates solely without any loss of health.” 

According to functional nutritionist Nour Zibdeh, a lot of the non-dairy milks in stores today contain synthetic ingredients. Plus, even when they are made naturally, they won’t have as much calcium or protein as camel’s milk. Abdul-Wahab adds that camel’s milk has been produced for thousands of years and is not simply trendy like other milks. Because of this, a lot of research backs the power of camel’s milk.

Though camel’s milk is supposed to be great for our insides, it’s also important to note that it can be equally as great for our outsides. Specifically, we’re talking about our skin. Several companies use camel’s milk in products like masks and creams. Since it contains lanolin, Vitamin C, and elastin, this type of milk can make our exteriors super soft, supple, and illuminated. It’s also great with breakouts. Biotech therapy company MonoJo is also working to create camel’s milk skincare products that will help with acne.

Considering that 16 oz. of raw camel’s milk is being sold for $18, we have a feeling that this beverage is best used in moderation. However, it is sold at that price for a reason. According to Desert Farms, “Camels don’t give lots of milk, but what they do give [around 5-6 liters or so a day (imagine three 2-liter bottles of soda)] is precious. They only give milk when they have a baby and lactation lasts from 10 months to over a year.” It’s also difficult to breed camels, so a ton of labor and care goes into keeping camels content. Who knew we’d be learning so much about camels, milk, and skincare on a Monday?

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