Um, Panda Express is maybe going to start using a “fork/chopstick hybrid” and it’s insane looking

So you know how it can be hard to choose between using a fork or chopsticks when you go to Panda Express? Well, whether that’s actually a struggle you face or not, the restaurant has decided it is — and they have a solution.

Introducing the fork/chopstick hybrid by Panda Express.

It’s a fork, and it’s a chopstick, all in one. Very innovative. We think we approve.


Lisa Jennings, the West Coast bureua chief for Nation’s Restaurant News, brought it to the public’s attention.

“And breaking,” she tweeted. “@PandaExpress is considering a move toward the chork,’ or the chopsticks/fork.”

The word chork is probably a strong no, as it sounds like something akin to projectile vomit. Not exactly something that makes us hungry. The concept, though, we like.


We’ll have to wait and see when these chorks decide to make an appearance at our beloved Panda Express. Until then, we’ll keep just grabbing both for when our chopstick skills fail us, but the fork just doesn’t do it justice.