We got #UberPuppies delivered, and it was the best day ever

Sometimes, when you least expect it, dreams come true. Like, when puppies are delivered right to your office for some playtime.
Today, ahead of the Super Bowl Puppy Bowl, Uber teamed up with various animal organizations to bring some adorable little puppies to locations all across the country for a day filled with #UberPuppies goodness. The best part: All proceeds from the pupmotion (sorry) are going to these same animal organizations. AND Animal Planet (where the Puppy Bowl will air this Sunday) is matching each donation! This is a win-win for animals and animal lovers everywhere.
And since every day should include some precious puppies, the HelloGiggles office simply could not pass up the chance to snuggle with them. After trying for over an hour and a half (seriously an hour and a half, and on three different Uber accounts), we FINALLY got the golden confirmation — puppies were en route.
The puppies, no joke, rolled up in a black SUV, because they deserve nothing but the best treatment. Accompanied by a friend from Uber and the spcaLA, little puppy brothers Nemo and Chunk hung out with us for the best 15 minutes of our day.
There were lots of hugs and kisses (actually, licking). Maybe some happy tears because we were all so overwhelmed by the cuteness — and the fact that Nemo was wearing a polka-dotted jacket. There was also tail wagging and cuddling, and now we might need to have playtime time EVERY DAY for the foreseeable future.
Also, as if snuggling a ball of fur for a few precious minutes isn’t enough, the Uber puppies are up for adoption IRL. Really! All the puppies used for #UberPuppies — whether in LA, D.C., or Chicago — are available for adoption. The two we got to hang out with can be taken home for ~forever~ on February 12. If you managed to get puppies delivered to you today, and completely fell in love with one of them (or, spotted one on Instagram or Twitter), your life-long friendship doesn’t have to be over just yet.
Last year, with Uber’s help, over 70 puppies were placed in homes, and $12,000 was raised in four hours! Hopefully, this year, both of those numbers will go up.
If you’re thinking about adopting your own little puppy, check with your nearest ASPCA (or here in LA, spcaLA) or the closest animal shelter. Hopefully our new four-legged friends Nemo and Chunk find amazing homes in the coming weeks — because friends, they’re already 100% certified as the Most Cuddly. TRUTH.