We FINALLY have details on Tyler Posey’s “Jane the Virgin” character

Sure, you might have guessed, but Monday’s Season 3 finale of Jane the Virgin confirmed that Tyler Posey is, in fact, Jane’s first love — who, seemingly, has the potential to become a romantic interest once again.
Gimme all the deets!
Who is Adam (@tylergposey)? To be continued… Thanks for watching #JaneTheVirgin this season, West Coast! pic.twitter.com/qKBQcqxa0I
— Jane The Virgin (@CWJaneTheVirgin) May 23, 2017
Okay, but how does Posey fit into the finale?!
More context: Early on, Jane discovers that her now-late husband, Michael (Brett Dier), had written a letter to her to read when times got tough during married life. A priest had given Jane and Michael that assignment ahead of their wedding, but she wasn’t sure that Michael followed through. She dropped by their old place to see if the letter might be hidden under a loose floorboard that they had joked about, but it wasn’t. The couple now living in the house, however, later tracks it down.
In the letter, Michael writes about how destiny brought them together and that all he wants is for Jane to be happy. As she finishes reading it, she stumbles upon the tenant who found it and dropped it off at the Marbella — and he’s none other than Adam. (I mean, TALK ABOUT FATE.) What’s more, this all happens right as she recognizes her feelings for Rafael, so it looks like she won’t be going in that romantic direction…at least, not now.
Their reunion comes in the closing moments:
“Jane,” Adam says.
“Adam,” Jane responds, surprised.
“I used to live in that apartment. I found the letter. I didn’t know it was yours,” Adam says.
“I never thought I’d see you again,” says Jane. Adam smiles, a sweeping score chimes in, and a gust of wind sends paper cranes flying through the air.
After an, at times, emotionally rough back half of the season, it was the perfect, optimistic, romantic end. This goes without saying, but we’ll be counting down the days — and continuing on with our theories about Jane and Adam — until Jane returns for Season 4.