Twitter has (savage) jokes about how Ted Cruz celebrated his midterm win

It was a close race, but incumbent Republican senator Ted Cruz officially beat liberal candidate Beto O’ Rourke in the 2018 midterms in Texas—to the heartbreak of progressives around the country. To say Cruz is not well liked among liberal Americans is an understatement: he has done little to improve health care for Texans and desperately wanted to repeal the Obamacare individual mandate. He also supports the deportation of undocumented immigrants, is against a woman’s right to choose, denies climate change, and is far from an ally to the LGTBQ community. Like we said…progressives were heartbroken.

And how will Cruz celebrate his victory? Twitter has some ideas.

Others were reporting live from the scene.


And some can’t understand why so many Texans would vote for the Zodiac Killer.

Whichever way Ted Cruz did celebrate last night, we hope he enjoyed his mice—ahem, we mean, we hope he had a great time.

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