Twitter is so excited about Andrea Jenkins’ historic win in Minnesota

People are still celebrating the historic wins of Election Day 2017. Voter turnout was surprisingly high; Danica Roem became the first openly trans person in Virginia to be elected to state legislature; Andrea Jenkins became the first openly transgender black woman to be elected to U.S. public office.

Needless to say, this was a milestone election year.

Jenkins was officially elected to the Minneapolis City Council on Tuesday, November 7th. She walked away with 73% of the vote by connecting directly with her constituents. She focused her campaign on reducing youth violence and improving the neighborhood — something that resonated powerfully with the people in her district. In an interview with The Washington Post, Jenkins talked about her pivotal victory as a black trans woman.

"Transgender people have been here forever, and black transgender people have been here forever. I’m really proud to have achieved that status, and I look forward to more trans people joining me in elected office, and all other kinds of leadership roles in our society.

And Twitter had a lot to say about this historic moment.


And fellow politicians were delighted by this turn of events, too.

Celebrities also raised their voices:

Congratulations again, Andrea Jenkins. Your victory is a powerful one, and a moment in history no one will soon forget.

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