“How I Met Your Mother” is leaving Netflix, and Twitter’s disappointment is legen — wait for it – dary

There’s an 83% chance you’re still crying because *another* of your favorite shows is leaving Netflix, and honestly, we don’t blame you.

We were crushed when 30 Rock, Friday Night Lights, and One Tree Hill all left Netflix at the start of October but took solace knowing that How I Met Your Mother was safe in our queues. But now, HIMYM will be exiting the streaming platform on November 13th. Yes, that means you won’t be able to celebrate Slapsgiving on Netflix this Thanksgiving. While sure, the series *is* on Hulu, it’s going to be quite an adjustment not automatically heading to Netflix to get our McLaren’s fix.

But it turns out we’re not alone because Twitter is having a really hard time coming to terms with this news:






The series joins Sky High, Twilight, and The Matrix trilogy as one of the latest titles to leave the platform, as high profile Netflix originals, MudboundThe Punisher, and Alias Grace will begin streaming in November.

As sad as we are to see How I Met Your Mother leave Netflix, we’re prepared to suit up and binge the series before it leaves…and maybe bounce over to Hulu for our next rewatch.

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