Turn your favorite pair of shoes into an ode to pizza

Welcome to Pizza Power, where we celebrate our intense love for all things pizza. Because if you really want to show your love for pizza, you don’t just eat it—you wear it loud and proud. 

Look down at your shoes right now. There’s something missing, isn’t there? Your shoes, as cute as they are, are lacking some sort of magic that you can’t quite explain. Now, look at yourself in the mirror. RIGHT IN THE EYES. Be honest, you DO know what’s missing. It’s PIZZA. Particularly, these pizza bow shoe clips.

SAY WHAT? How on earth can this answer sound so strange, yet be so right? It’s like that saying goes, you didn’t know what you were missing until it arrives. These ultra-adorable, handmade pizza bow shoe clips are made from polyester felt and have a metal clip that can easily attach to your favorite pair of zapatos. And if you want to make your outfit as fresh as can be and take it to the next level, wear this matching pepperoni pizza headband. See? We got you covered, you sweet pizza-loving thang. Now that we’ve got your shoe game handled, shall we go grab a real-life slice?

Pepperoni Pizza Bow Shoe Clips, $30.01

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