Trump’s campaign manager got called out at the final debate and it was probably the best part
As if this election season wasn’t already ~messy~ enough, there’s even more messiness to behold. By now, you probably know that Trump’s campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, is actually causing a pretty good amount of drama on her own. She’s even straight up left interviews. And now she’s in new hot water thanks to her comments about Trump and voter fraud at last night’s final presidential debate.
According to Business Insider, Conway tried (and failed) to back Trump’s claims about a “rigged” election and voter fraud being an issue.
"Donald Trump is putting people on notice that if there are irregularities, if there's voter fraud, if there's large-scale malfeasance that's committed, that he's not just going not to want to investigate that but we have to see what happens."
She continued,
"If you look at his first statement and this one taken together, you see somebody who's willing to accept the election absent widespread fraud."
Things got heated when she tried to compare the current election to what happened with Bush and Gore in 2000 where there was a recount in Florida. People were quick to point out that what she was saying was some serious BS.
CNN’s Chris Cuomo was *not* having it. He called Trump’s campaign manager out, saying,
"This is different. Donald Trump is saying right now, with weeks to go, I think it will be rigged against me, so I'm not going to respect it. That's not what happened in 2000, as we both know very well."
He elaborated,
"This is not an analogy to that. You can disagree. But you said something different. Pence said something different. His daughter said something different than what he said last night. And it sounds not just like whining but disavowing the Democratic process if it doesn't suit Donald Trump's personal preference."
Like, how much drama can we handle in this election, you guys? Apparently, a whole lot more.