So, Trump made an ad in Hindi, and it’s actually pretty bizarre

As if things couldn’t get any weirder this election season (we almost made it, guys), Donald Trump just made his big debut speaking HindiYep. This from the guy who wants to ban literally every Muslim from the country, and who made a pretty big mistake regarding Christianity.

This is one campaign ad you’ll just have to see for yourself.

The ad references the time Trump spoke at a Republican Hindu Coalition charity concert in New Jersey — another surprising move, TBH. We’re trying to figure out why Trump is targeting Hindus, but, like, he’s already insulted so many other religious groups that we guess it makes sense.

Business Insider spoke with the chairman of Trump’s Indian-American advisory committee (who is, BTW, also the founder and head of the Republican Hindu Coalition). Shalabh Kumar explained that the ad was getting a *lot* of air time, as it was being shown 20 times a day nationally on 20 networks. Whoa.

Kumar elaborated,

"He's the only candidate who has ever spoken Hindi."

Veeeery interesting. What a time to be alive, friends.

So why Hindus?

Kumar said the answer is pretty simple. He told Business Insider,

"Our values are conservative values. When it comes time to vote, or support a particular candidate, they identify themselves as minorities. And as minorities, they just vote for Democrats."

But he’s trying to change that.

"When they come to know all this, they think, 'We should support Trump, we should support Republicans.'"

Welp. The more you know, right?