A truck accident left hundreds of pizzas scattered on a highway in Arkansas, and what a tragedy

Today we don black for the cheesy ones we lost along the way. Yesterday afternoon, a truck carrying hundreds of frozen pizzas slammed into overpass on an Arkansas highway. Its precious, cheesy cargo scattered over all three lanes of the highway. DiGiorno’s and Tombstone frozen pies were everywhere.

Thankfully, no humans were injured in the accident. But we lost many good heat-and-serve dinners that never had the chance to bring a little slice of happiness to college students and those coming home from a late night out, everywhere. Rest in peace, frozen pizzas on the Alabaman highway. Rest in peace.

Warning: These photos may be graphic for pizza-holics.

It’s horrific — gruesome, even. Just look at all those innocent pizzas!

Although this could be categorized as a true tragedy, many were trying to take advantage of the situation, asking if those pizzas were now fair game. Nice try.

Unless you want to be noshing on diesel fuel, you’ll have to get your pizza kicks elsewhere.

The Arkansas Department of Transportation had to use front loader tracters to remove the pizza plastered to the tar. Luckily, they had a sense of humor about the incident.

The mess was cleaned up after a few hours and the overpass damage was minimal. But, to be honest, our emotional damage is what we’re concerned about at this juncture.

In all seriousness, we’re glad that no one was hurt in the accident. Although we never had the chance to enjoy you, frozen pizzas, you will still be missed by many.

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