The first trailer for “Game of Thrones” Season 7 is here, and it will give you CHILLS

There’s only one show that matters on television, and the first trailer for it is finally here. After much pomp and circus over on the Game of Thrones Facebook page, the premiere date for Season 7 was finally revealed (July 16th, 2017, YAS!) along with a quick glimpse of the upcoming season. Though we don’t see a single character in it, we hear them.

Honestly, that is enough for us right now.

The teaser trailer uses clips from past episodes to remind us that “the great war” is coming — and all Starks, Lannisters, and Tygarians will be fighting to claim the Iron Throne. There’s also that pesky issue of trying to fight off the White Walkers, who are getting a lot bolder when it comes to wandering around Westeros. As the trailer hints, fighting them will actually be the great war.

This teaser, named “Sigils” simply highlights all the house sigils and considering the way the trailer plays out, it seems to indicate that each new house is more powerful than the last. So who is featured at the beginning…and the very end? None other than our Daenerys Targaryen. Last we saw her, she was sailing off to King’s Landing with a huge army (and ???) ready to fight for what is rightfully hers.

Now is everyone else ready — and ready to fight? Gather up as much wildfire as you can, because we’ll find out this summer, in exactly 129 days (if you’re counting).

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