Torrid’s new denim ad shows just how far the fashion world has come

Let’s all think back to just a few years ago when the concept of “diversity in fashion” was still wishful thinking. All models were super thin, and the vast majority of them were white. Plus-size clothing options were mostly dowdy, unflattering, and YEARS behind trends. It was…bleak.

Now let’s take a look at Torrid’s new denim ad:


We’re seriously tearing up thinking about how far we’ve come and how much more inclusive the fashion world has become over the last year or two especially.

This gorgeous group of women includes different races, shapes, and sizes, and every single one of them looks amazing and stylish and UNIQUE.

The models include a mix of actresses (including Orange Is The New Black star Adrienne C. Moore!), models, Torrid customers, and curvy Instagram style stars like Anna O’Brien, who goes by the name Glitter on Insta and shared this touching write-up of what the experience meant to her:

Torrid, thanks for showing the world that when it comes to body diversity in fashion, the future is now, and it’s never looked better.

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