These are the Top 5 scariest movies of all time, we’re sleeping with a nightlight forever

If you haven’t picked up on the theme yet, we at HelloGiggles love the Halloween season, and the excuse to watch all of our favorite creepy (or not-so-creepy) movies. We’ve basically been making lists every day of this month, whether they’re just general scary movies to check out, terrible slash amazing scary movies, or just Halloween movies that are appropriate to watch with your kids. In other words, we want to make sure that you’re as prepared as we are to spend every night of the month hunkered down on your couch with some solid snacks, a cozy blanket, and a seasonally appropriate movie.
This time, we’ve got a list of the top five scariest movies of all time… and the data to back ’em up.
Redbox recently surveyed 1,300 movie buffs about their preferences when it comes to horror movies. From their favorite villain to scary movies that aren’t scary at all, Redbox has the data… but we’re definitely most interested in the movies these 1,300 people say are the MOST frightening. (Caveat: the questions users were asked were multiple choice, so if it wasn’t on the list, it obviously couldn’t have been chosen.)
1. The Exorcist
2. A Nightmare on Elm Street
3. The Shining
4. Halloween
5. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre[/subheader]
Personally, we’re gonna stick to Halloweentown, where the ghouls are actually good neighbors and you can save the day by lighting a jack o’ lantern. Like, that sounds FINE. The above… not so much. (We are, however, in the minority, as 55.5% of people polled by Redbox LIKE legitimately scary movies. Ya’ll are sick.)
Among the movies on the multiple choice options provided to the movie buffs were Cabin in the Woods, Child’s Play, Friday the 13th, Insidious, Jaws, Night of the Living Dead, Paranormal Activity, Poltergeist, Psycho, Saw, Scream, and The Silence of the Lambs. Plus, obviously, the ones that received the most votes.
The Exorcist received the overwhelming majority, with 11% of the overall vote. Split between so many options, that’s no small number. The next biggest group were those who voted “other,” with 9%… which is really upsetting to those of us who are scared even of these GIFs, because it means there are MORE terrifying movies out there, just waiting to give us nightmares.
Watch at your own risk, folks.