Too Faced’s baby pink glitter mask looks even more glamorous in its packaging

Have you ever found yourself staring into the depths of the abyss, daydreaming about dipping your face in a gorgeous mask of glitter? If you haven’t, you might now. Because Too Faced’s pink glitter mask looks like what would happen if Anna Wintour engineered a new strain of Flubber for beauty purposes.

We’ve been waiting impatiently for details since we first caught a glimpse of the Too Faced pink glitter mask in all of its gooey glory. While we still don’t have the exact release date, Jerrod Blandino has revealed that Too Faced will release the mask early in December. Just in time for a gold-studded New Year’s beauty routine.


The packaging elevates this mask to a whole different plane of high-maintenance, gaudy goodness. It looks like a moisturizing sequined dress for your face. Yet despite its glittery formula, it somehow looks like it has texture gentle enough to baby our skin.

Blandino shared some updated details on the upcoming launch in an Instagram post:

"Glow Job coming this December on A revolutionary radiance-boosting peel-off glitter mask supercharged with brightening ingredients and real sparkling gold. A super limited number will be available early for my beloved TF Besties, then in store for Spring."

Are you ready to douse your face in gooey, real gold?!

Is anyone ever ready for this level of luxury?! We’ll find out soon enough, as December is right around the corner.

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