PSA: Tom Riddle is grown and shirtless on “Nashville”

This is literally not something we have ever asked for or even thought about asking for, but sometimes things just fall into your lap, y’know? Christian Coulson, aka Tom Riddle from Harry Potter, went shirtless on CMT’s Nashville. It’s like the really weird country music alternate universe Harry Potter fanfiction where Tom Riddle becomes a scruffy bae instead of a noseless demigod. #Voldemort #CountryBae

In case you don’t recall, in addition to being a total creep of the first order (or, like, first reich), Tom Riddle was kind of…dreamy.

WE KNOW, WE KNOW, we’re talking about Voldemort, but he had total ’90s jock hair and, like, how could you not be into that?

But Christian Coulson is all grown up and he’s actually pretty cute? He’s definitely less a CW-show jock and more, “that barista you drool over every morning” now. Yup. We’re really into his ~development~.


This is fine. We’re fine. No no no, HE’S fine. Yeah, that’s the phrase we were looking for…


We are eternally grateful to Nashville for this show, this casting decision, and this scene.



If you, like us, are super on board for Tom Riddle with abs for days, you can check out the full episode of Nashville on Hulu. We highly recommend, okay? Highly. Recommend.

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