Tom Holland found out he got the role of Spider-Man in the most confusing way ever

When you audition to play a superhero, obviously there’ll be a lot of competition — especially since superhero films always do quite well at the box office. That said, actor Tom Holland discovered he was cast as Spider-Man in the weirdest way ever. Let’s just say that it’s a good thing he was checking his social media account at the time.
During an appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Holland admitted that he found out he got the role through Instagram. You read that right — not a phone call, or even a FaceTime. Instagram. And this was after a long set of auditions, as well.
"I had been auditioning for about five months, and after my final audition they said, 'you'll find out tomorrow.' Fast forward six weeks, I was still waiting, still waiting, and one day Marvel just posted on their Instagram, go to our website to find out who the new Spider-Man is. And that's it, I just found out online, they didn't call me up or anything," Holland admitted.
The appearance on the show was actually his first on an American talk show, so it’s nice to know that he came well equipped with a bunch of awesome stories.
But, still, we can’t imagine what he was feeling when he realized shortly after other fans that he had landed such an epic role.
In fact, Holland noted that his brother wondered if the Marvel Instagram account, or their website, had gotten hacked. But, as you know, the announcement was totally legit.
For the record, producer Kevin Feige did call him…after the fact.
You can check out Holland rocking it as Spider-Man in Spider-Man: Homecoming, which will be out on July 5th.