Tom Hiddleston eating alone with his laptop is the new ~woman laughing alone with salad~
So Tom Hiddleston was casually spotted eating alone with his laptop, wearing adorable glasses and a classy all black ensemble. We’re sure he was just having himself a nice afternoon and fancied a bite to eat while reading scripts or poking around on the internet just like the next guy, but also it’s kind of hilarious to see Tom Hiddleston, aka the internet’s boyfriend, eating alone with his laptop. It’s like Woman Laughing Alone with Salad, but even better. We’re sorry that he has to worry about being photographed doing mundane things (and then, uh, having nobodies on the ‘net speculate about his life — sorry brah) but we’re kinda delighted by how bizarrely not bizarre these pap shots are.
He just looks like… your hot English professor going out to grade papers.
He’s cautious, your English professor. He’s clearly looking both ways before crossing the street.
Here Professor Tom Hiddleston is giving advice to a dude in your class while you make a mental note to visit office hours, even though you don’t have any questions. For OBVIOUS reasons.
Professor Hiddleston is taking his grading very seriously, but leaves you notes with smiley faces and “very insightful” and “thank god SOMEBODY did the reading ;)” that you definitely do not save. But then…
He can tell somebody’s watching him like a total creep.
Professor Tom Hiddleston spots you, because he’s basically a superhero-perfect individual and so has above average powers of perception, hearing, and sight. Obvi. (The glasses are part of the whole Professor thing.)
Anyway, we don’t know how the whole imaginary saga with Professor Tom Hiddleston goes, but we really like looking at these pictures. Um, yeah. That was sort of the whole point — but hey, choose your own adventure, eh? Do you run away now that Professor Tom Hiddleston has seen you, or do you be bold and go ask him some made up questions about your final? We know what WE’D do… Swoon.