Today in freaky: Natalie Portman has an 11-year-old male doppelgänger

It appears that Keira Knightley isn’t Natalie Portman’s only clone. A man named Clyff looked like the splitting image of the actress when he was just 11 years old. Clyff’s girlfriend, Shannon Welch, posted a side-by-side of young Cliff next to Natalie on Reddit and it made commenters do a double take. In his old class photo, he seriously looks like her twin. They even have the same beauty mark. The resemblance is UNCANNY.
While the Reddit post says he was 13, he was actually two years younger — according to both of the couple’s Instagram accounts. Here’s a photo of Natalie at age 12 for comparison:
Another Redditor created this morphing gif with the two pics which just makes it look even more trippy.
Shannon also posted the photo on her Instagram with the caption, “When you find out the boy you’re crushin on used to be #natalieportman #nojokethisisanelevenyearoldboy #ontheleft #thatsaboy #notnatalieportman.”
Here’s what Clyff looks like now:
He’s clearly having a ball with this whole thing, as evidenced by his Instagram handle @the_real_natpo. While Clyff and Natalie obviously don’t look like twins anymore, you can’t deny the similarities in that old photo. Maybe she has a long-lost brother?