Watching this tiny bald eagle hatch is the perfect way to start the weekend

This might be coolest way to avoid doing anything productive all day. The Washington, DC Live Bald Eagle Nest Cam allows you to watch a bald eagle nest in real time. The eagles, aptly named Mr. President and The First Lady, have two eggs in their nest. The first one hatched on March 16 around 7:30 pm, and the second one hatched in the late morning of March 19.
I actually just watched the second egg hatch live and I might have cried just a little bit. Okay, I did. The little grey fledgling quickly emerged from its shell and was greeted by one parent with the other quickly joining to welcome their new baby into the world.
In 2015, the DC Eagle Cam Project successfully caught Mr. President and The First Lady raising one eaglet on camera. This year proved to be another great success. The high definition cameras keeping a watchful eye on the pair and their nest are 100% solar powered.
Check out this magical video footage of one of the eaglets emerging from its shell.
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