We just got the teeniest, tiniest peek at footage from the new Ghostbusters
Guys, I love the original Ghostbusters film, and can quote it with the best of them. So let me just say that when I woke up this morning, I thought I was as excited as I possibly could be for the new Ghostbusters film’s summer release– and then I saw just the teeniest, tiniest peek at the footage below.
Yes, a trailer for a trailer is pretty silly. But I don’t care. The minute I read the words Who You Gonna Call I gave a loud “Whoop!” Because there’s no one I would rather call than the film’s four leads: Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Melissa McCarthy, and Leslie Jones. The fact that veteran comedy director Paul Feig is helming the film (which he co-wrote with The Heat screenwriterKatie Dippold) is just icing on the already delicious cake.
“I’m having a lot of fun playing with genres,” Feig told ComingSoon.net. “I love the original film, but I also just love the idea of busting ghosts and kind of paranormal warriors. I thought, ‘You know, if I could do this with the funny women I know and kind of just do a new origin story…’ I’m more interested in what would happen today. You know, you see things on TV about ghosts, but none of it’s real. What if, suddenly, something started happening? What happens when that just begins to happen to people? Also, how do they develop their technology? It’s not as fun if they’re just handed their proton packs. It’s why it’s not as fun to do a sequel. The fun is getting there.”
Ladies, this film is going to be so much fun. I wish July 15th were here already! That said, we DO get a REAL trailer on March 3rd. We will be counting the minutes ’til then…