This woman’s Tinder match is also her life-saving donor match
Tinder may be one of the most popular online dating apps out there, but it’s been used for a lot more than just finding a hot date. People have used it to find long-lost siblings, get free pizza, and to get someone to shovel her car out. Now, it looks like Tinder may very well save a life.
Alana Duran, 25, and Lori Interlicchio, 21, matched on Tinder back in August — three months ago exactly, in fact! — and they knew from the very start that it was something special. “I remember the first time she texted me,” Lori told Today. “I said, ‘It’s Lori,’ and she responded, ‘Lori Loughlin? My favorite actress from Full House?!’ And sent a picture of Lori Loughlin. I knew she was the kind of person who would make me laugh a lot.”
The two New Yorkers met for the first time in September over Labor Day weekend. “We spent an afternoon and evening dancing with each other and talking (which was more like yelling because of the music),” Alana told Today. “When it was time for her to go she asked if she could kiss me and I said, ‘Yes!’ It was an excellent first kiss!”
And for that reason, it wasn’t difficult for Alana to open up to Lori straight away about her lupus, which she was diagnosed with at age 12. For the past 13 years, Alana has gone through a hip replacement and has been living on dialysis waiting for a kidney since 2011. “It is a major part of my life whether I like it or not,” Alana told Today. “I wasn’t really worried with Lori. I like to tell myself I have a good judge of character and Lori only proves that statement right.”
Little did Alana know that Lori was going to be there for her in the biggest way she possibly could. After their third or fourth date, Lori decided she was going to investigate to see if she was a match for Alana. “By the time I learned that I was a match a couple of weeks later I had already done a ton of research and that really took away any fear.”
In a totally heartwarming video posted to Facebook, Lori surprised her with a big package filled with all her favorite snacks and goodies, but underneath all those was the big surprise: several notes reading “I’m making you choose between me and that damn dialysis machine,” and “Tattoos are overrated — let’s get matching scars,” as well as a Tinder-style poster that said “It’s a match! You and Lori have no antibodies against each other.”
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