Most excellent news: Tim Burton is directing Disney’s ‘Dumbo’ reboot

Cinderella has yet to hit theaters, but we’re already hearing awesome things about the next Disney classic to get the reboot treatment. This time, it’s Dumbo, and we officially know who is directing it.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Tim Burton has signed on to direct the film! That’s Tim Burton, people!

He has already directed one remake, 2010’s Alice in Wonderland. Burton’s relationship with Disney dates back to early in his career, when he worked as an illustrator for the film giant. His break came when his former employer signed on to make his now-classicstop-motion Nightmare Before Christmas. He’s currently making a film adaptation of Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, which might be the most perfect pairing in the history of film. There are also rumors of a Beetlejuice sequel!

Dumbo might seem like a strange fit for the famously offbeat and macabre Burton, who made a name for himself with movies like Edwards Scissorhands. But we’re pretty excited to see what Burton does with the classic story. Think about the circus scenes from Big Fish — they were perfect!

Although a case could be made that Burton went a little off the rails with his own signature style in recent years, his latest release, Big Eyes, was definitely a throwback to what makes Burton’s films great.

For Dumbo, Burton will be joined by producer Justin Springer (of Tron: Legacy) and writer Ehren Kruger (who wrote Transformers). The script is already written, and THR has learned the film will be a mix of CGI and live action. We are so ready for this. Bring it, Mr. Burton!

(Image via)

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