This woman was body-shamed at the grocery store by a rude stranger, but she clapped back so hard

Let’s make one thing clear: It’s never okay to give someone — anyone — unsolicited advice about their body. And this woman getting body-shamed at the grocery store shows just how hurtful it can be. According to Teen Vogue, Charli Stevens was minding her own business at her local grocery store, when she noticed a woman staring at her.

The woman then apparently approached Stevens to make a direct comment about her weight and wardrobe. In a candid Facebook post, Stevens wrote,

"A couple minutes later, she came up to me and said 'I think your clothes are a little too small on you.' Completely caught off guard and baffled and also hoping she didn’t say what I thought she said, I said, 'excuse me?' And she said, 'well no offense but you’re just a bit big to wear those type of clothes.'

Stevens said she totally froze. “Usually I’m so quick to lash out at rude people and I’m never shy when it comes down to speaking my mind. But I froze. Froze and cried. She said ‘I’m not trying to be mean but maybe just reconsider your outfit before leaving your house from now on.’ She walked away and I just stood there.”

Stevens added that she had her five-month-old son with her and was “SO thankful” that her four-year-old wasn’t there to witness this complete stranger being so cruel.

"How are people so rude? It’s no secret that I’ve gained weight throughout life. I’ve birthed two kids so it’s bound to happen. Do I realize I’m overweight? Yes. Do I want to be smaller? Yes. But am I okay with the way I look? Yes!! Why would a complete stranger go out of their way to insult someone? What if I was severely depressed? Or what if I was constantly made fun of for my weight and that one comment from that stranger pushed me over the edge? Luckily, I’m neither of those things. But people have got to start being nice. Having common sense. Being respectful."

We are so sorry that this happened to Stevens, but we are so glad she’s using the experience to shine light on this issue: Body shaming is not okay. Telling someone what you think about their body or wardrobe when they didn’t ask in the first place is not okay. And perhaps, most importantly, you can — and should — always choose kindness. Our words have power, and we must use them with caution.

Thank you for the reminder, Charli. Your post literally has us cheering at our desks.