This woman got so stressed that she forgot her NAME, in case you needed a reason to chill TF out

It’s so, so hard to find ways to relax. Like, seriously. Even before 2016 (aka, the hell year) we couldn’t find a way to chill, but now we’re seriously thinking about self care in a different way, because this woman got so stressed she forgot her name. Whoa. We didn’t even know that being this stressed was an option!
According to SELF, 55-year-old Marie Coe worked so hard and got so stressed that she forgot everything about herself, including her name and where she lived.
We’re seriously so horrified. Coe explained to Daily Mail that her stress levels had an impact on her memory, and we’re talking an extreme impact. Her stress-induced amnesia was so intense that she had to fall in love with her husband again.
"The paramedics asked me basic questions but I couldn't remember anything."
Obviously, it was really scary, and not an easy time. She continued,
"I was terrified and didn't have a clue where I was or what was going on. The doctor asked me if I knew who the Prime Minister was, but I drew a blank."
But stress does real damage, so we probably shouldn’t be surprised. If nothing else, it’s major encouragement to try to find time to pause, breathe, and de-stress.
Make time for yourselves, friends. We believe you can do it!