This video of kids reacting to Blockbuster will remind you how extremely elderly you are

Any talk of Blockbuster automatically transports us back in time to all those movies we rented from the now-defunct chain before it eventually succumbed to movie-streaming technology (oh hai, Netflix). Remember how frustrating it was to wait on the VCR to rewind those VHS tapes back to something we missed? And how petty was Blockbuster for charging customers an extra fee for not rewinding the tape before returning it? *sighs sentimentally*

Aside from a general longing for the past that comes with adulting, we owe this barrage of nostalgic feels to Fine Brothers Entertainment’s video of kids reacting to Blockbuster videos.

In the clip, kids between the ages of seven and 13 have their Blockbuster knowledge put to the test, and needless to say many of them were initially confused when asked to identify the video in its signature white, blue and yellow case. It was almost as if they’d seen a dinosaur IRL:


Some of them knew what Blockbuster was and how the rental system worked, which temporarily made us feel like we aren’t that removed from this generation of kids. But then we kind of got our feelings hurt by the few who seemed to gleefully announce that they knew the stores were closed. Also, the smug reactions to the company’s commercial made us feel even sadder than knowing that Blockbuster tees are now labeled “vintage”:


Here’s the full video, which will feel like a special form of torture for anyone who lived through the Blockbuster days. C’mon guys—it isn’t easy watching these youngsters crap all over a staple from our glory days. We did it, but we don’t feel good about it at all.