These scathing tweets about Seth Meyers hosting the Golden Globes are spot on

In light of the tremendous conversation about sexual harassment in Hollywood sweeping the news cycle, Seth Meyers hosting the 2018 Golden Globes is a disappointment for many.

The Golden Globes red carpet centered around women’s empowerment. It was only right after the year we’ve had with waves of sexual assault allegations sweeping the entertainment industry and beyond. But the black dresses and trending hashtags ring a little hollow when we still aren’t seeing adequate representation. That’s why it would have been great to see a woman (better yet, a woman of color) host the 2018 Globes.

To Meyers’ credit, he didn’t shy away from the issue at hand. He addressed it head-on during his opening monologue, saying:

"A lot of people thought it would be more appropriate for a woman to host these awards and they may be right… but if it’s any consolation I’m a man with absolutely no power in Hollywood. I’m not even the most powerful Seth in the room tonight.

Male allies are important to the movement, and Meyers has made significant contributions in that regard. But it doesn’t change the fact that many hoped a woman would host.

These tweets about Meyers at the Golden Globes are so spot-on.


Writer Lane Moore is all of us. false


Meyers is getting some rave reviews, too.

But not everyone is loving it. false

Some think Meyers could have been more proactive about sharing the stage with women.

It would have been the time to bring back this power hosting duo.

Meyers may have handled the task rather graciously — all things considered — but we hope to see more women asked to host major awards shows in the future.

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