This skateboarding cat is currently dominating Twitter

Thanks to the internet, we’ve learned that cats are capable of anything. Some cats are even good at skateboarding. Need proof? Just take a look at Erica Claire’s cool kitten, who recently made quite a wave in the Twitter universe.

Claire decided to post a few pictures of her kitty, named George, on Saturday, and people were quick to comment over the cat’s impressive talent. We knew that cats had a natural sense of balance, but George definitely takes it to the next level.

The post was retweeted over 62,000 times already, proving once again that cats rule everything. (Sorry, dogs. For the record, we love you too.)

From there, the puns started.

Skateboarding aside, fans of George also noted his gleeful expression while enjoying the outside.

But, the best response probably came from a veterinarian who responded to Claire’s super funny photo caption.

Surely other veterinarians would want to meet George as well, just to double check. (You can never be too careful.)

After the outpour of love and support for the kitten, Claire decided to share more information about her furry buddy.

Of course, since people like to argue on the internet, Claire did have to answer to a few people who questioned the validity of the photo. Because, well — technically, it’s a photo of a cat standing on a skateboard. But of course, Claire figured this would come up, and answered like a pro.

But still, we can see why this photo made the rounds. It’s pretty sweet, and even started an unexpected thread where people shared photos of their own cats. And to be honest, there’s no such thing as too many cat photos.

Now that he’s an overnight celebrity, we can’t wait to see more of George’s fun kitten adventures in the near future. And hopefully, he’ll keep up with his skateboarding hobby.

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