This personal trainer made *the* most relatable video about holiday weight gain

One of our goals this year is to take better care of our bodies, and one way we’re finding major inspiration is with the amazing fit girls of Instagram. And this personal trainer just became our absolute fave with the best ~flexing~ video we’ve ever seen. Why? Because it’s not about just showing off her body (though we’d cheer her on for that, too). It’s about making a statement about why there’s nothing bad about gaining weight. And considering that many of us can relate to holiday weight gain, it’s so perfectly timed.

This personal trainer is *not* going to be ashamed of holiday weight gain, and we’re seriously so about this.

She explained,

"I'm just over here trying to fit in on Instagram. 🙄 NOT 💁🏼 I like to make fun. Forgive me. 🙈 My dog is even like "here she goes again, pretending to be a diva fitness model" and falls asleep 😂The things that seem important, usually aren't. We are all a work in progress. We all have flaws. I gained 9 lbs over the break."

How did she feel about it?

"Big whoop. Here it is. And I feel great, because i'm busting my ass in the gym and in my nutrition. And I'll get back to where I was. And I will NOT compare myself to anyone but myself. My body is important. It's a machine, yet the look of it right now, doesn't show all the work I've been putting in. But it will. Believe that. How you FEEL over perfection ya all!"

Heck yes, lady! We’re so down with the rise of body positivity on Instagram, and we love nothing more than a fitness blogger who recognizes that, at the end of the day, it’s not about looks — it’s about health, and health is about more than just our bodies. Our mental and emotional wellbeing is important, too, and loving ourselves is a big part of that.

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