Uh, this might be who Lady Gaga is playing in “American Horror Story”
American Horror Story: Spoilers.
American Horror Story premiered last night, and gave us the title and theme My Roanoke Nightmare. The season will focus on a couple who moves to Roanoke — the site of the Lost Colony — and start to experience some hella weird and spooky things.
The first episode really set up everything for the rest of the season, and introduced us to our main characters: Matt, Shelby, Lee, Demonic Kathy Bates, and Teeth. We don’t know anything about Evan Peters (YET), nor Lady Gaga. But, we miiiight have gotten a tiny look at her in the trailer for Episode 2. And whoa.
In the foreground, we have Demonic Kathy Bates. That lady in the background, that just might be Gaga. But, it’s SUPER HARD to tell, let alone confirm, that this is Gaga. However, it sure looks like her, because come on, look at those eyes!!
This is a side of Gaga we’ve NEVER seen before, and we’re on board.
Previously, Gaga teased that her character this season would be “grounded,” and went onto elaborate that she’s really “in the Earth.” Personally, I think that means Gaga is literally playing a plant (maybe a tree), however here, it doesn’t look like she’s sprouting any roots. But maybe this is like a Grandmother Willow 2.0, who can not only talk, but walk and also probably perform human sacrifices and stuff. Maybe.
So is this Gaga? Are we going to soon have our own Gaga Nightmares?? Is she actually a tree? Raise your hand if you’re excited to find out ?