This little girl just got expelled for wanting to play basketball
Today, in things that just aren’t fair: A 13-year-old girl in New Jersey not only can’t play basketball at her school anymore, she also got expelled for trying. Really.
St. Teresa’s School in Kenilworth, New Jersey, announced that they would be shutting down the girl’s basketball team back in October.
Super-dad Scott Phillips, a retired police officer and his wife, Theresa, came up with a simple solution, according to People. They figured just move her over to the boys’ team.
Sounds easy enough, right? But the school’s athletic director wouldn’t go for it.
"Instead of saying, 'Let's talk about it,' or 'Let's look into it,' it was a resounding 'No' from the athletic director," Scott said to People. "It was a simple request: just move a girl over to the boys' league. It's a no tryout league. There was nothing about if she can keep up with the boys. And as it happens, [she] is a very, very good athlete, and her moving to the boys' team would only help them."
Scott asked if there was a written rule about girls not being able to play with the boys. But, of course, there wasn’t. And perhaps the most infuriating quote from the whole thing?
"They said that boys only play with boys, and girls only play with girls," Scott told People.
Luckily for Sydney, her parents are awesome and didn’t give up.
Scott and Theresa went to the Newark Archdiocese in charge of the school, but they also responded with a resounding “no.”
So, they had no choice but to sue.
Scott explained that the decision came because Sydney wants to represent her school when she plays the sport she loves. She holds great pride in both her sport and her school, and wants to combine the two, which is totally reasonable.
And while the story has gotten some positive attention – the WNBA New York Liberty Team invited Sydney to play with them on Wednesday night — there have also been some negative ramifications.
St. Teresa’s expelled Sydney and her 11-year-old sister from St. Teresa’s, saying they could be arrested if they trespassed on school property.
Luckily, Scott filed a motion for an emergency hearing. And the judge ruled that the girls could return to school on Monday.
As for how Sydney feels during this whole thing?
"Sydney can't understand what the big deal is," Scott continues. "She’s not taking anybody's spot, she's not competing with anybody. The only people who are going to get hurt are some boys' egos."
Good luck, Sydney! We hope you’ll be back on your game as soon as possible!